[Poster+Wallpaper] TaRo!

Tavia Yeung [杨怡] - birthday tmr! (30 August)
[Note: The actual size is 1280px*800px but Flickr only allows up to 1024px*640px. & I know there are different dimensions for wallpapers. So do drop a comment if u want the actual size or resizing of the wallpapers! :D]

Ron Ng [吴卓羲] - birthday on Sun! (2 September)
ronng [17.6.12]

Happy birthday Tavia and Ron! :D Whee~saw their birthday party photos! Happy that they're still so close after so many years! It's so rare that they dun have any rumours even though HK paparazzi is infamous for stirring up stories. :P Best wishes to them both! :D

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