[Banner+Poster+Wallpaper] TVB Awards 2013 Nominees 3 (Actresses)

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Elena Kong [江美仪] (Supporting Actress for Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II]) in Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II] (Best Series)
triumphintheskies2 (elenakong) [13.12.13]

Fala Chen [陈法拉] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II])
falachen [13.12.13]

Kate Tsui [徐子珊] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Bounty Lady [My盛Lady]) in Bounty Lady [My盛Lady] (Best Series)
katetsui [8.12.13]

Krystal Tin [田蕊妮] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Brother’s Keeper [巨轮]) in Brother’s Keeper [巨轮] (Best Series)
brotherskeeper (krystaltin) [15.12.13]

Linda Chung [钟嘉欣] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Brother’s Keeper [巨轮])
lindachung [22.11.13]

Nancy Wu [胡定欣] (Supporting Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II])
nancywu [8.12.13]

Niki Chow [周丽淇] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Sergeant Tabloid [女警爱作战])
nikichow [8.12.13]

Tavia Yeung [杨怡] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for The Hippocratic Crush 2 [On Call 36小時 II])
taviayeung [4.12.13]

Thanks to JayneStars for the Nomination List!

The Awards Ceremony will be held later today! All the best to the nominees!
I din watch many series this year so I shan't rly comment much. But personally, I wish Francis or Bobby will get BA, and my bias Kanin will get SA but it's quite impossible. :( Actress-wise, I feel that Elena and Krystal are the most outstanding.

[Avatar+Poster] TVB Awards 2013 Nominees 2 (Actors)

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Benjamin Yuen [袁伟豪] (Most Improved Actor for A Change of Heart [好心作怪], Karma Rider [师父.明白了], Always and Ever [情逆三世缘] and The Hippocratic Crush 2 [On Call 36小時 II]) in The Hippocratic Crush II [On Call 36小時 II] (Best Series)
thehippocraticcrush2 (benjaminyuen) [10.8.13]

Edwin Siu [萧正楠] (Best Actor and Most Popular Male Character for Brother’s Keeper [巨轮]; Best Supporting Actor for A Great Way to Care II [仁心解码Ⅱ]; Most Improved Actor for A Great Way to Care II [仁心解码Ⅱ], Bullet Brain [神探高伦布] and Brother’s Keeper [巨轮]) in A Great Way to Care II [仁心解码Ⅱ] (Best Series)
agreatwaytocare2 (edwinsiu) [11.12.13]

Ngo Kanin [敖嘉年] (Best Supporting Actor for Always and Ever [情逆三世缘]) in Always and Ever [情逆三世缘] (Best Series)
alwaysandever (ngokanin) [14.12.13]

Vincent Wong [王浩信] (Most Improved Actor for Friendly Fire [法网狙击], Season of Love [恋爱季节], Sergeant Tabloid [女警爱作战], A Change of Heart [好心作怪], Will Power [法外风云]) in Will Power [法外风云] (Best Series)
willpower (vincentwong) [12.12.13]

Wayne Lai [黎耀祥] (Best Actor and Most Popular Male Character for Will Power [法外风云])
waynelai [27.6.13]
waynelai [7.7.13]

Thanks to JayneStars for the Nomination List! Last batch of graphics will be posted later today or early tmr!

[Banner+Poster+Wallpaper] TVB Awards 2013 Nominees 1 (Pairings)

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Beauty at War [金枝欲孽贰] (Best Series)
Moses Chan [陈豪] (Best Actor and Most Popular Male Character for Will Power [法外风云]) & Sheren Tang [邓萃雯]
beautyatwar (moses & sheren) [15.10.13]

Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II] (Best Series)
Myolie Wu [胡杏儿] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II]) & Ron Ng [吴卓羲] (Best Supporting Actor and Most Popular Male Character for Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II])
triumphintheskies2 (myolie & ron) [10.12.13]

Always and Ever [情逆三世缘] (Best Series)
Bobby Au-yeung [欧阳震华] (Best Actor for Always and Ever [情逆三世缘]) & Esther Kwan [关咏荷] (Best Actress and Most Popular Female Character for Always and Ever [情逆三世缘])
alwaysandever (bobby & esther) [11.12.13]

The Hippocratic Crush II [On Call 36小時 II] (Best Series)
Benjamin Yuen [袁伟豪] (Most Improved Actor for A Change of Heart [好心作怪], Karma Rider [师父.明白了], Always and Ever [情逆三世缘] and The Hippocratic Crush 2 [On Call 36小時 II]) & Mandy Wong [黄智雯] (Supporting Actress for The Hippocratic Crush II [On Call 36小時 II])
thehippocraticcrush2 (benjaminyuen & mandywong) [8.12.13]

Thanks to JayneStars for the Nomination List! More graphics will be posted tmr!

[Banner+Poster] Birthday Special: December 2013

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Raymond Lam [林峰] (Born 8 December 1979)
raylam [8.6.13]

Bosco Wong [黄宗泽] (Born 13 December 1980)
boscowong [8.12.13]

Stephen Wong [黃嘉乐] (Born 14 December 1978)
stephenwong [8.12.13]

Alan Wan [温家伟] (Born 22 December 1986)
alanwan [14.9.13]

Sidenote: Sorry for the lack of updates. I was having exams. :( Anw it's hols now! TVB Anniversary Awards graphics coming up soon! :)

[Poster+Wallpaper] Birthday Special: November 2013

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Eliza Sam [岑丽香] (Born 17 November 1984)
elizasam [15.10.13]

Fred Cheng [郑俊弘] (Born 10 November 1983) - with best buddy Oscar Leung [梁烈唯] (Born 26 March 1979)
Dark version
fred & oscar (dark) [9.11.13]
Light version
fred & oscar (bright) [9.11.13]

Sidenote: The photo of Fred & Oscar has been in my stash for a long time (since 2010!). I wanted to use this cuz it's a rare high quality photo from the past showing their long friendship. :P Anw, which version do you prefer?

[Poster] Birthday Special: October 2013

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Steven Ma [马浚伟] (Born 26 October 1971)
stevenma [14.10.13]

Raymond Cho [曹永廉] (Born 16 October 1965)
raycho [14.10.13]

These two have baby faces! :P Ever so young! & oh gosh, Raymond Cho is as old as Bowie! :O Din know that! Anw off-topic but I really miss Henry and Chris' chemistry in HH3!

[Poster] Birthday Special: September 2013 Part 2

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Adrian Chau [周志文] & Daniel Chau [周志康] (Born 28 September 1989)
adrianchau&danielchau [9.10.12]

Ngo Kanin [敖嘉年] (Born 26 September 1976)
ngokanin [8.6.13]
Lost this PSD file! *Sobs*

Elena Kong [江美仪] (Born 20 September 1971)
elenakong [23.6.13]

Happy birthday all! Esp Kanin! :D (tho it's not yr bday yet!)

[Banner] Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II] The End

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Francis Ng [吴镇宇] as Samuel Tong (Sam) [唐亦琛]
triumphintheskies2 [1.9.13] (francis)

Julian Cheung (Chilam) [张智霖] as Jayden Koo (Captain Cool) [顾夏阳]
triumphintheskies2 [7.9.13] (julian)

The final 2 episodes are airing tmr! No more Triumph2 to watch after that! :(

[Wallpaper] Birthday Special: September 2013

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Bowie Lam [林保怡] (Born 4 September 1965)
bowielam [2.9.13]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bowie! :DDD PS: Sorry haven't been watching ur dramas cuz u're no longer with TVB. Maybe I should try watching China's dramas! Be Happy! :)

[Poster] Birthday Special: August 2013

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Him Law [罗仲谦] (Born 28 August 1984)
himlaw [31.7.13]

Yay! Finally seeing more of him in Triumph in the Skies! :P

[Poster] Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II] Continued!

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Fala Chen [陈法拉] as Holiday Ho (Holly) [何年希]
triumphintheskies2 [23.8.13] (fala)

Sorry for the long hiatus! I've been too caught up with the start of sch. :( PS: August's birthday special is coming up (ft. Him Law)!

[Banner+Wallpaper] Triumph in the Skies II [冲上云霄II]

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Ron Ng [吴卓羲] as Issac (sic) Tong [唐亦风]
triumphintheskies2 [31.7.13] (ron)

Julian Cheung (Chilam) [张智霖] as Jayden Koo (Captain Cool) [顾夏阳]
triumphintheskies2 [27.7.13] (julian)

Kenneth Ma [马国明] & Elena Kong [江美仪] as Roy Ko [高志宏] & Heather Fong [方芮嘉]
triumphintheskies2 [31.7.13] (kenneth&elena)
Alert: Original image replaced cuz I realised there was a bug that caused a thin white bar to appear at the right edge.

Francis Ng [吴镇宇] & Fala Chen [陈法拉] as Samuel Tong (Sam) [唐亦琛] & Holiday Ho (Holly) [何年希]
triumphintheskies2 [31.7.13] (fala&francis)

[Note: Flickr has recently allowed all users to access the original image. So click the link for the full size. But I know there are different dimensions for wallpapers. So do drop a comment if u want resizing of the wallpapers! :D]

[Poster] Frederick!

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Fred Cheng [郑俊弘]
fredcheng [14.7.13]

I've noticed him for a very long time. He's not bad but TVB has given him few chances. I still haven't watched Voice of Stars [星梦传奇] but I hope this will help him move up the ranks! :)

[Poster] Birthday Special: July 2013

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Ram Chiang [蒋志光] (Born 2 July 1961)
ramchiang [30.6.13]
Took me quite some time to dig out a photo of Ram (a "proper" one, not a screenshot from one of his dramas). Took it from his Baidu Tieba [百度贴吧]. Here's the link: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2084257019#!/l/p1

Anw, I feel that he's a decent actor but TVB doesn't give him that many chances to shine. :(

[Banner+Poster] Ruco & Selena!

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Ruco Chan [陈展鹏] & Selena Li [李诗韵] @ Starhub TVB Awards 2012 [星和无线大奖2012]
selenaruco [18.5.13]
I rly love this (HAHA 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸)! BUT I lost the PSD (See below)! BOOHOO! :'(

Ruco Chan [陈展鹏] (in Slow Boat Home [情越海岸线])
rucochan [23.3.13]

Selena Li [李诗韵] (in Slow Boat Home [情越海岸线])
selenali [6.6.13]

Crap! I lost the PSDs for the Starhub graphic and Selena's indiv graphic! & I dun even know what happened! O.o At least I can still share the graphics with u all! :)

Anw, this month's Birthday Special features Lai Lok Yi [黎诺懿]. Stay tuned!

[Banner] 8:30PM

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Bullet Brain [神探高伦布] - (Pierre) Ngo Kanin [敖嘉年], Natalie Tong [唐诗咏] & Corinna Chamberlain [陈明恩]
detectivecolumbo (ngokanin, natalietong, corinnachamberlain) [11.6.12]

Slow Boat Home [情越海岸线] - Ruco Chan [陈展鹏], Raymond Wong [黄浩然] & Selena Li [李诗韵]
slowboathome [8.7.12]

I made both graphics in the middle of last year, when details weren't firmed up yet. So they aren't exactly so relevant to the plot. :/ Just sharing them since Bullet Brain has just ended and Slow Boat Home is gonna air next wk!
Btw has anyone watched Bullet Brain/Is anyone planning to watch Slow Boat Home? :)

[Avatar+Banner+Poster+Wallpaper] Birthday Special: May 2013

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Happy birthday! :)

Benjamin Yuen [袁伟豪] (born 11 May 1981)
benjaminyuen [9.1.13]

Natalie Tong [唐诗咏] (born 03 May 1981)
natalietong [28.2.13]
[Note: The actual size is 1280px*800px but Flickr only allows up to 1024px*640px. & I know there are different dimensions for wallpapers. So do drop a comment if u want the actual size or resizing of the wallpapers! :D]

Sammul Chan [陈键锋] (born 04 May 1978)
sammulchan [24.4.13] smooth
[Note: The actual size is 1920px*1200px but Flickr only allows up to 1024px*640px. & I know there are different dimensions for wallpapers. So do drop a comment if u want the actual size or resizing of the wallpapers! :D]

Sammy Sum [沈震轩] (born 04 May 1983)
sammysum [8.4.13]

Wayne Lai [黎耀祥] (born 04 May 1964)
waynelai [11.1.13]

Hope u like them! :)

PS: 100th post! ^^