[Banner] Valentines!

Happy Valentines! <3
I've got banners to celebrate the occasion!


Moses Chan [陈豪]
moses [24.11.10]modified

Bosco Wong [黄宗泽]
bosco [07-11-10]edit
(Two of my favourite actors!)

On-screen couples:

Tavia Yeung [杨怡] & Ron Ng [吴卓曦] (TaRo)
taro [13-02-11]
(They're currently my favourite couple!)

Flora Chan [陈慧珊] & Bowie Lam [林保怡] (FloBo)
flobo [13-02-11]
(They were once great friends & yet now they've lost contact. Will we ever see them collaborating again? I really hope so!)

Tavia Yeung [杨怡] & Moses Chan [陈豪]
tavia&moses [13-02-11]
(I just had to make this! They're both known to be really playful & it's really evident in here! :D)


  1. Haha!! Pretty!!!! =D I'm going to watch Ron's, Moses', Kevin's and Bosco's concert at RWS in April! This is such a coincidence! xDD

  2. Ohhh the All About Men concert right? Btw just curious, how much is the tix?

  3. Not sure if it's called All About Men haha. They called it "Your 4 Favourite Males" concert lol. What a lame-sounding name. xDDD

    The cheapest ticket is $78, but that's excluding all the stupid Sistic charges and whatnot. -.-''' Sistic sure knows how to cheat my money. I ended up paying $80+ in the end, for Sistic handling fee and internet charges. >.< Damn!

  4. Lol yeah I saw that title in ST. I was like :O All About Men sounds better. Haven't TVB always used it?

    Oh yes, I rmb Sistic charges are around $2+. Plus internet charge, that's really a lot! Imagine the amt of money they can collect just from 1 tix, not to mention the whole concert!

    Hey btw A-level results are out on Fri right? All the best! :)
