Ron Ng [吴卓羲] as Issac
(sic) Tong [唐亦风]
Julian Cheung (Chilam) [张智霖] as Jayden Koo (Captain Cool) [顾夏阳]
Kenneth Ma [马国明] & Elena Kong [江美仪] as Roy Ko [高志宏] & Heather Fong [方芮嘉]
Alert: Original image replaced cuz I realised there was a bug that caused a thin white bar to appear at the right edge.
Francis Ng [吴镇宇] & Fala Chen [陈法拉] as Samuel Tong (Sam) [唐亦琛] & Holiday Ho (Holly) [何年希]
[Note: Flickr has recently allowed all users to access the original image. So click the link for the full size. But I know there are different dimensions for wallpapers. So do drop a comment if u want resizing of the wallpapers! :D]